Identify the modeling software and analytical methods to be used.

Subtask Description:
Identify the modeling software and analytical methods to be used.

Action points of the implementation:
Identify methods for:

Søndeled fjord, Norway.

Policy Issue:
Sustainable development of fishing based tourism.

Human Activities:
Tourism, boating, urban activity.

General Information:
Touristic activities in the area encompass general recreation and tourism, development of cottages with access to sea, fishing tourism, environmental tourism and development of the local aquarium. This is translated into development of new beaches and harbors, examples of activities that can harm habitats, biodiversity, recruitment of marine organisms and annual yield in local fisheries. The characteristics of the recreational use of the coastal zone area make the pressure highly seasonal. The main stakeholder concerns are connected to the impacts of the recreational fishing and of the touristic development in the state of the system.

Example of Implementation:
EXTEND will be used to construct the numerical model and for simulation of management scenarios and their effects of the local cod stock in the Søndeledfjord system. We will use Bevereton and Holt yield and recruit model to simulate the effects on the local cod stock. In addition a model expressing the stock of bottom animals linked to water quality will be included, as well as a model describing the water exchange of the bottom layers of the fjord system. CMapTools ( is being used for concept mapping during brain storming sessions within the SSA team and with stakeholder partners. Various ArcGIS and in-house GIS package developments will also be made available.

In the SPICOSA project, for reasons of collaboration and exchange of information and model parts, all the SSAs identified EXTEND as the main modelling software. In a new implementation one can choose the software most appropriate for each case, but should take under account (i) the different modelling needs between natural, economical and social processes and (ii) the illustrative capability of the software used.

Erlend Moksness,