Use standard formats to provide examples for these conceptual models.

Subtask Description:
Use standard formats to provide examples for these conceptual models.

Action points of the implementation:

Gulf of Riga, Baltic Sea, Estonia & Latvia

Policy Issue:
Interaction between eutrophication & fish production.

Human Activities:
Fisheries, maritime transportation, agriculture, industrial and urban activity, tourism.

General Information:
E utrophication signs in the area are evident through increased primary production and Harmful Algal Blooms, increased deposition of organic matter, decreased water transparency, increased frequency and severity of oxygen deficiency of bottom waters, increased macrobenthic biomass, decreased depth penetration of macroalgae, decrease in the population of fish species preferring cleaner water, like salmonids and whitefish. The main interests of stakeholders are connected with water quality, biodiversity, good fish catches, recreational facilities and tourism.

Example of Implementation:


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Evald Ojaveer,